Saturday, February 3, 2007

The Lakeview Estates Ground Hog 5K Jog - Feb 3

MTRC Members and Prospective Members

Come one, come all, for the 1st Ground Hog Jog, February 3rd, 2007. The event will begin precisely around 10 AM at 1172 Lakewood Drive, Montgomery, Alabama. If your shadow is seen, six weeks of cool runnning weather will be anticipated and appreciated. If not, I imagine much of the same. There will be post Jog refreshments, featuring ground Ground Hog Grog. (Note: If any one notices some relatively fresh ground hog road-kill or a reasonable fascimile, please let me know, this particular ingredient is hard to come by!). Awards will be sparse, yet presented. The course for this gala event can be investigated at:

If you plan on attending this once in a lifetime event, I would appreciate a heads up by phone or e-mail to plan accordingly. A last minute decision is also acceptable. For any further information, just ask.

Pete Preston

C: (334) 202-4931
H: 271-5826
W: 260-3490

1 comment:

FreakyNick said...

Windy,Partly cloudy,Cold low 30's

5th overall
